Trump Takes First Lead of the Year! President Trump has now edged to a one-point lead over Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the latest Rasmussen Reports’ weekly…
President Trump’s Peacemaking Efforts Have Achieved Incredible Results Including Obtaining Historic Peace Agreements Between Arab Countries And Israel, Garnering President Trump Two Nobel Peace Prize…
Biden and Kamala Harris have worked hard to undermine confidence in the coronavirus vaccine. After months of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris contradicting health officials…
Lexington, VA — Here we go again. Another tell-all book trashing President Trump. What else is new? The newest snooze-rag comes from longtime lefty WAPO-Bezos lackey…
RNC and Trump Campaign Raise $210 Million in August, Fueling Massive Ground Game Operation WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee (RNC), Donald J. Trump for…
President Trump is Putting American Workers First Joe Biden has always put China first. There has never been a President who has cared so much about the…
Trump campaign statement on NY Times story on Joe Biden & China Joe Biden appeased China and advanced its interests throughout his 47 years in…
The August jobs report is proof positive that the Great American Comeback continues. With 1.4 MILLION jobs added back, beating expectations, under President Trump, the…
Just like Ron Burgundy, Joe Biden will read anything off the teleprompter. “Look, Venezuela topline message is…” Biden said last night during an interview with NBC Miami, embarrassingly reading verbatim…
IMPORTANT: A White House email proves that a “bad weather call” was the reason for a canceled presidential trip to Aisne-Marne American cemetery in 2018. With The President…
“Joe Biden made a political trip to Kenosha today – his first visit to Wisconsin – after months of saying he could not travel because…
President Trump’s re-election campaign today launched new television ads in Wisconsin and Minnesota blasting Joe Biden’s failure to stand up to the radical left-wing rioters…
Joe Biden And Democrat Leaders Have Sat Back As The Radical Left Riots And Works To Defund The Police, While President Trump Is Taking Action…
“As predicted, Joe Biden today failed to condemn the left-wing mobs burning, looting, and terrorizing American cities. He failed to condemn Antifa. He failed to…
While Joe Biden and the radical left abandon our law enforcement officers, threaten to defund the police, and turn their backs on law and order,…