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Statement from Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita on Media Speculation About Transition Efforts

Recently, national publications have printed news stories about the constructs of a Presidential transition for President Donald J. Trump’s return to the White House. The narrative in these stories has ranged from the types and qualifications of individuals who will be hired in a new Administration, the policies that will be implemented and in what order, and the way the transition process will be undertaken and who will lead it.

The efforts by various non-profit groups are certainly appreciated and can be enormously helpful. However, none of these groups or individuals speak for President Trump or his campaign. We will have an official transition effort to be announced at a later date.

Therefore, these reports about personnel and policies that are specific to a second Trump Administration are purely speculative and theoretical. Any personnel lists, policy agendas, or government plans published anywhere are merely suggestions.

Likewise, all 2024 campaign policy announcements will be made by President Trump or members of his campaign team. Policy recommendations from external allies are just that– recommendations.

As President Trump’s dominance in the Republican primary grows and his path to beating Joe Biden widens, we are seeing more and more stories about various groups’ intentions for leading a Trump Transition. These stories are neither appropriate nor constructive.

President Trump and his campaign are singularly focused on beating Joe Biden and achieving victory next November. While we understand fully the value of planning a transition back to the Oval Office, these press reports are largely unfounded and an unnecessary distraction from the work we are doing to defeat the most corrupt and incompetent president in what is the most consequential election in the history of our country.

Unless a second term priority is articulated by President Trump himself, or is officially communicated by the campaign, it is not authorized in any way.


  1. Anonymous

    Chris and Susie,

    Thank you for the clarification. We are awake and fighting for our faith, our families, and our freedom.

    Several colleagues and friends along with our family members wish to donate to President Trump’s reelection campaign. Do you have a link where we can send money? Kindly let us know. We will share around our circle.
    Respectfully, Angie Anderson Green Valley, AZ 520-289-9600

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