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Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The biggest election in a long time is the one that took place in Ohio’s 15th district with the winner Mike Carey. All of the Radical Left was talking about it because they thought that my endorsed candidate would not win, but he won in a landslide. It would have been headline news for days. Instead, there is virtually no story written about Mike’s win. Rather they cover another Democrat race that nobody even talked about before where a progressive went down in flames. Practically nothing is written about the big Mike Carey win. Nobody but OAN covered it.

Watch the segment HERE.


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

If our soccer team, headed by a radical group of Leftist Maniacs, wasn’t woke, they would have won the Gold Medal instead of the Bronze. Woke means you lose, everything that is woke goes bad, and our soccer team certainly has. There were, however, a few Patriots standing. Unfortunately, they need more than that respecting our Country and National Anthem. They should replace the wokesters with Patriots and start winning again. The woman with the purple hair played terribly and spends too much time thinking about Radical Left politics and not doing her job!


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