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President Donald J. Trump Crowned Winner of 2nd GOP Debate From 2,300 Miles Away

USA TODAY: “Donald Trump won.”

WASHINGTON POST: A pointless Republican debate underscores Trump’s dominance

DAILY MAIL: Donald Trump Declared WINNER of Second Republican Debate in Daily Mail Poll – Even Though He Stayed Away




THE GUARDIAN: Crosstalk and weak zingers hand win to absent Trump at Republican debate

NEWSMAX: Larry Elder: Trump Won This Debate Again

BIZPAC REVIEW: GOP Debate Winner Was Not Even on Stage, But Here’s Who Came in SECOND

TIPP INSIGHTS: Absent Trump Emerges Victorious In Second GOP Debate

From The Guardian:

But the race before the candidates in the Republican field hasn’t fundamentally changed: Donald Trump, the last president of the United States and a now-heroic figure in the Republican party, retains and will continue to retain a commanding lead over his rivals that seemingly nothing short of an act of God, and maybe not even that, can dislodge.

From USA Today:

Pollster Frank Luntz, who has long done focus groups of Republican voters, said the “chaos” of the argumentative debate made no one a winner.

“Tonight just makes it more likely that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee,” Luntz said.

He added: “Several times the debate devolved into chaos. This format is not conducive to anyone other than Trump because it rewards soundbites rather than substance.”

But the pollster did make one prediction: “Trump won by not participating. And it irritates me to say that.”

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