In the 64 days since Nancy Pelosi announced the start of this baseless impeachment sham, Democrats have completely abandoned their duty to the American people…
U.S. Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA) tells House Dems on the syndicated John Fredericks Show that Republicans are the resistance-to fake impeachment fiasco.
The NBA and China’s ‘Thousand Talents Plan’ By Curtis Ellis Like the NBA, universities are letting their immediate economic interests cloud their thinking. Unlike the…
President Trump Focuses on the American People While Democrats Obsess Over Impeachment Democrats have completely abandoned their duty to work on behalf of the American…
Black Voters Are Raising Their Voices in Support of President Trump Recent Polls Show Significant Increase in Support from Black Community If President Trump captures…
Joint Statement of Trump 2020 Campaign, RNC, NRSC & NRCC regarding Big Tech Attempt to Suppress Voter Turnout Google’s latest arbitrary rule changes are a…
Statement from the Press Secretary for President Trump Yesterday, a single district court in Oregon has decided immigration policy for the Nation. Congress plainly provided…
Trouble Brews in Dems Impeachment Paradise Democrats are starting to realize just how in over their heads they are as the American people reject this…
‘War Room’ is a new radio show featuring Steve Bannon and some Trump loyalists. It aims to add to the messaging in defense of the President.
We ask where the impeachment process is heading and whether the people of the US can ever move on and reconcile.
The Five Myths of The Day for the Fake News Bunch #FNB
Richmond, VA— Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) summed it up on #JFRS yesterday: “President Trump has boxed Nancy Pelosi into a lose-lose corner on impeachment. If she holds a vote on a hearing, she either loses the vote now or loses the gavel in 2020. That’s why I predict there will be no vote.”
Griffith is on to something. Pelosi doesn’t want a legitimate process where Republicans have subpoena power and vulnerable freshman Democrats in her fractured caucus have to go on the record with a recorded vote.
Instead, we have her three-ring circus politically motivated sideshow where GOP ranking committee members have no ability to cross-examine, question or offer a rebuttal to witnesses.
As a result, the President is denied due process.
Let’s first set the record straight about House Democrats’ unprecedented contempt for due process rights, shall we?